
what i do at 5am when i'm not sleeping

[Gir Voice] Practice framing, of course!

Screwdriver there for size reference, and 'cos I was using it. It's the wrong size. How can I have so many screwdrivers and ALL of them are the wrong size for any given project? The photo is a bit crooked because it's not actually mounted yet.

I bought six 16x22 frame kits from the awesome framedestination.com. They have this really nice setup where you can pick your art size, mat size/color/type, frame material/profile, etc - no guesing or calculating just a complete package. So far they seem to be of excellent quality. They cost me around $30 each with archival materials. Framing shops gave me a quote of $175 a piece. Fuck you, system! This girl is doing it for herself!

Why make big framed prints? Entering a juried fair/expo/show. Hoping to have one or two accepted and maybe sold. If not, I have something solid to trot around to local coffee shops.

Girls, they just want to have frames.

I am not normal.

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